Cook Islands travel bubble welcomed by Whanganui community leader
18 May, 2021 05:00 PM
2 minutes to read
Whanganui s Cook Islands Community Group chairman Nga Apai says Cook Islanders have been frustrated by decisions on tourism. Photo / Bevan Conley
Whanganui s Cook Islands Community Group chairman Nga Apai says Cook Islanders have been frustrated by decisions on tourism. Photo / Bevan Conley
Whanganui s Cook Islands Community Group chairman Nga Apai is welcoming the opening of the Cook Islands travel bubble with New Zealand. Apai said people in New Zealand and friends and family in the Cook Islands were pleased the bubble had finally opened yesterday. It has taken too long to establish, but we are glad we have got there.
Community gardens the latest project for local Cook Islands group
18 Dec, 2020 04:00 PM
3 minutes to read
From left, Bill Ashworth, Ngataua Puapii, Tom Webb, and Teaitu Ta Toru at the new Cook Islands Community Group gardens in Castlecliff. Photo / Bevan Conley
From left, Bill Ashworth, Ngataua Puapii, Tom Webb, and Teaitu Ta Toru at the new Cook Islands Community Group gardens in Castlecliff. Photo / Bevan Conley
Mike Tweed is a multimedia journalist at the Whanganui
A garden will be set up in Akatea St to grow produce for the community thanks to a $5000 grant from the Community Covid-19 Fund grant from the Ministry of Pacific Peoples.
Whanganui welcomes potential travel bubbles with Australia and Cook Islands
15 Dec, 2020 04:00 PM
6 minutes to read
Heavy machine operator Jamie Ballantyne usually spends two weeks per month working in Australia. Photo / Supplied
Heavy machine operator Jamie Ballantyne usually spends two weeks per month working in Australia. Photo / Supplied
Mike Tweed is a multimedia journalist at the Whanganui
Whanganui people have welcomed the news that travel bubbles with Australia and the Cooks Islands will soon open up. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Tuesday that Cabinet had agreed, in principle, on establishing a quarantine-free travel bubble with Australia that would be up and running in the first quarter of 2020. There will be a further announcement in the New Year.