actually just a flat out fascistic tyrant. so too was just preamble. and so now shanghai is the next step and the surveillance ofla us these machines is the nextnc step and the injecting of children by force in california it s california is always the tip of the spear is going to be rolled outbed across the country just like i warned vaccine passports could be rolled out across the country and there s nothing now youtr know, with thisy. script in plae to prevent this kind of d crackdown lockdown down from happening again in american citieses n. and you re right to worry about the midterms given the history of totalitarianism, there s no reason to believe that the midterms which to deliver a resounding defeat to t the biden administration are going to be allowed to unfold without an emergency w and thata emergency keeps us all at homet all the better. so i just to want to say for people who don t know washington state launched
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