hillary clinton s neww book, she blames everyone under the sun for her loss to donald trump, including james comey, joe biden, bernie sanders, and so many more people. thee finger-pointing is giving democrats headaches and comedians plenty of material. been reading a book about why the titanic sank while you re sitting at the bottom of the ocean. you re not sng president, but that s not bernie s fault. he s the one guy you did beat. also he didn t tell you not to go to wisconsin. he didn t tell you to do paid speeches to wall street. he helped make you better candidate. thepe candidate who beat donald trump by 3 million votes. greg, do you think hillary clinton realizes she s not helping herself, she s just becoming the punchline? i m starting to look forward to this book.rw you ve heard of, like, the word-a-day calendar, this is a