Alabama communities, nonprofits rallied to aid neighbors after 2011 twisters
By Carla Davis April 22, 2021
Tornado victims bring laundry to Tide s Loads of Hope truck for free laundry service. Duracell offered free re-charging to phones and computers. These are some ways organizations responded to help those affected by the April 2011 storms and tornadoes. (Meg McKinney / Alabama NewsCenter)
Thinking back on the tremendous devastation and death toll caused by the 62 tornadoes that swept Alabama on April 27, 2011, Robin Skagen said there’s only one word to describe that dark day: “surreal.”
Skagen, an American Red Cross disaster action team responder at the time, was one of the first on the ground after a tornado swept through the Tuscaloosa area early that morning. It was her job to help assess the damage so the Red Cross could determine ways it could assist the victims.