before the verdict even comes in, she s on the phone with that reporter telling him, listen, if it s murder one, i m going to talk to you, if it s murder two or three, i m going to wait until after the sentencing. that s sociopathic. it s sick. it s not sick, it s just wrong. jon: i think sociopath is a pretty good description. that s a perfect description. i just got a check mark by jon on friday. [laughter] we were talking about beer earlier. where is it? jon: arthur, fred, thank you both. jenna: trouble, jon, the two of them, for sure. jon: yes. jenna: a spectacular cyber crime spree. high-tech bank robbers stealing millions of dollars from atms around the world. how they pulled it off, and is your money safe? plus, how the mainstream media is reporting the blockbuster testimony in this week s benghazi hearing. our news watch panel covers the coverage next. [ femalannouncer ] from more efficient payments.
after the attack took place. is all of this a coincidence? an fbi spokesman telling fox news, quote, our plan to publicize the photos was in the work for weeks, and in a statement the fbi also says, quote, we are seeking information about three individuals who were on the grounds of the u.s. special mission when it was attacked. these individuals may be able to provide information to help the investigation, end quote. so, how are media outlets other than fox treating this story? let s bring in our news watch panel, skwhraoud it miller is an out author and a pulitzer prize price investigative reporter with countless trips to the middle east. ellen ratner is a talk host. does it surprising you that the tpwrafs came out in the same week that the president is taking heat in his news conference? it s such a coincidence that it s hard not to make a connection between these through events.
jon: we are going to have to leave it there. you can catch more with my great news watch panel, fox news watch runs this weekend. you can catch our coverage of the week s top stories, that is saturday 2:30 eastern right here on fox news channel. jenna. jenna: and even date now on the u.n. official who says america is to blame for the deadly boston tere or attack. we told you this story earlier. richard faulk will be keeping his voluntary position with the u.n. human rights council this despite calling the victims of the bombings canaries who had to die because of america s foreign policy and he wrote, quote, the american global domination project is bound to generate all kinds of resistance in the post colonial world. after some prodding the u.n. secretary general finally officially rejected falk s remarks. it didn t happen right away. as you can see from this next clip, a spokesman tells us there are no plans for any further
jon: the boston marathon attack of a week ago sparked intense media coverage. most of the reporting solid as zoned journalists went about their skwraob jobs reporting their story as police searched for the suspect getting pictures of the suspects quickly out to the public. thank you for your support of our media campaign the other day which publicized the photos. i thank you very, very much for the support that the media provided us. i thank each and everyone of you tonight. some of the coverage was outstanding, some of the reports leading up to friday s arrest have come under fire. let s talk about it with our news watch panel. jim pinkerton a contributing editor and writer for the american conservative magazine. alan colmes host of the alan colmes radio show and author of
the spin cycle in a way that is very damaging you know, it hurts what we re trying to do but is also very damaging to that individual person. jon: once begin our news watch panel is with us, judith miller a pulitzer prize winning investigative reporter and author, kirsten powers a daily beast columnist and both fox news contributors. kirsten in a weird way this relates to the segment we were talking about with jonna winter. this is information that gets out there that embarrasses or otherwise causes problem for powerful people and they don t like it and they crackdown. yeah, i don t i don t think dan pfeiffer is actually still at the white house. he was probably talking about when he was at the white house. look, this white house complains definitely about the media and really not really about the media but about any conservative outlets or outlet has have conservative news, which is what the drudge roeurts. they ar report is. they are saying we don t want