and then we made an app that goes along with it so you get alerts on days you need to take your umbrella, and there s a tracking device so if you don t know where you last had it, you hit locate and it tells you where we last had it. tucker: this does not feel like something that will be upended by the wind. a speaker that is the whole point. to make something that is not going to flip out. soas many times we are buying single-news umbrellas, one that gets you two blocks to get to a place and then you throw it away. this is not that way this will invest you and you will have it for a long time. tucker: it is you are giving a portion of the proceeds to the families of those who were killed? yes. on the fourth of july, we launched patriotic umbrella, and we partnered with folds of honor to give $5 of every umbrella to folds of honor, which is, you know all the amazing work they do. thth that, we ve sold over 40,000 umbrellas, and we were able to give them