tucker: time now for final exam where we find out which news personalities have been paying attention to the news. this week s contest hits a new fox anchor against a longtime fox correspondent, shannon bream hopes hosts fox news at night. and ed henry, they join us tonight. here are the rules. two in a row. here are the roles, you put your hands on the buzzers, i m going to ask you the question. we wait until i finish asking the question. each correct answer is worth one point. if you get it wrong, you lose a point. best of five wins. thanks to the fox news channel,
tucke tucker: time now for final exam where we find out which news personalities have been paying attention to the news. this week s contest hits a new fox anchor against a longtime fox correspondent, shannon bream hosts fox news @ night. and ed henry, they join us tonight. here are the rules. it is a rush, isn t it? tucker: two in a row. here are the roles, you put your hands on the buzzers, i m going to ask you the question. we wait until i finish asking the question. each correct answer is worth one point. if you get it wrong, you lose a point. it s possible to get to the negative points. best of five wins. why are you looking at me? it has happened.
reporter: okay. so you ve seen celebrities do it. ah! reporter: and news personalities. and athletes. woo! reporter: and a president. oh! reporter: even puppets are doing it. and you know why? social networking. woo! reporter: one wet head challenges another. i challenge i nominate nominate i challenge you. reporter: results, whole chains of wet head. why, really? well, everyone knows it s for als, the rare disease. three letters that never had this much visibility before. but anthony carbohol when he took the challenge himself, had a different kind of visibility in mind. because his video goes on to let you meet his mother, who has als, so she cannot speak or do much for herself.
here and there and maybe a red carpet interview but no go on that. brian williams is one of the most popular news personalities out there these days but as seth myers points out, not everybody is a huge fan. today it came up online a video of someone who might not be a huge fan of yours. let s take a look at that real quick. yeah. are you watching the news? are you watching the news with our brian williams? there he is. there is brian williams. the situation. dude, what is wrong? you don t like brian williams? oh, let s turn it off. let s turn that off. uh-oh. it s brian williams! he s gone! gone. it s just a hurricane now! you are not appealing to the
victims, their fleemdnimes, and community. but four days after that the nra believes now is the time for families to grieve and the community to heal. there will be an appropriate time down the road to engage in political and policy discussions. that appropriate time will come but it will be down the road. and down the road came newtown, connecticut. 20 children dead. all 6 and 7-year-olds. six staff members of sandy hook elementary school dead. the alleged gunman s mother also dead. but for anybody waiting for that initial nra statement that seems to come every time something like this happens the immediate statement about their sadness for the tragedy and then a statement a couple days later about how this isn t the time to talk about policy, it did not happen that way this time. they re breaking pattern. this time the nra went completely dark online for several days. various nra news personalities, they sponsor like news shows that s just talk radio that s pro nra. they spouted t