It s time to rank the vote in Delaware and across America | Opinion Eric Morrison and Kristin Brownlee, Special to the USA TODAY Network
Election 2020: Discussing turnout for Delaware s historic vote
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There exists in Delaware and in all of America a growing movement to enact ranked choice voting (RCV). Locales and states are enacting RCV at an exponentially growing rate. Many folks have questions about ranked choice voting including how it works, why it’s so good for democracy, where it currently exists, and who endorses it.
Here’s how RCV works. Instead of picking one candidate, you rank multiple candidates in order of preference with no requirement to include a candidate in your rankings if you don’t support them at all. Let’s say there are five candidates running for Governor Smith, Jones, Gonzalez, Brown, and Williams. I have preferences amongst three of the candidates, but I don’t like two of them at all. In the voting