that weird line in the president s speech and that key element of his presidency. i mean, he doesn t need to do anything to change the fact that the ambient news hook events around this state of the union this year were what happened the day before the address, which is federal prosecutors subpoenaing his inaugural committee, and what happened the day after his address, today, when the intelligence committee announced the parameters for its renewed investigation of the president. including spelling out the lines of inquiry that have since arisen, that have derived from the original sin inquiry into russia interfering in the 2016 presidential election to make donald trump president in the fist place. and i know you have probably seen headlines today about the intelligence committee announcing the parameters of its new investigation now, right? i mean, yes, there was an investigation when the republicans were in control. they ended early, closed up shop and said no collusion. now the dem
biggest speech of the year was over, and those efforts do at least show a president exerting a little bit of energy, trying to at least maybe make a gesture toward selling his key ideas from his biggest speech of the year. this year didn t happen. this year after the state of the union address last night, they are not even trying anything like that, not with this president. and maybe that makes sense to the extent that the big takeaway message from this state of the union was the president s somewhat odd declaration that there can be no more investigations of him with the implied or else threat. if that s the point of this year s state of the union, there really is no need for any sort of presidential stunt or bus tour trip to keep the focus on that weird line in the president s speech and that key element of his presidency. i mean, he doesn t need to do anything to change the fact that the ambient news hook events around this state of the union
investigation. that doesn t make the defendant be set free. it just prevents them from using that item that they seized. lisa: i would like to respond to you, judge. first of all, you have, regarding the dossier, james comey was the one that briefed president trump on the dossier. cnn was looking for a news hook. we know that. after the meeting, it leaked and the dossier was published. i wonder why, and i who is behind a question mark i have questions about that. also, regarding james comey, if anybody wants have concerned if there is bias or animus against this president with james comey at the helm, listen to him now. this is a guy who actively told americans to vote against republicans, who has been outspoken in his criticism against president trump. so you think that peter strzok and lisa page were alone in their bias and animus against his president question ? clearly, it started at the top with james comey. he is lying to congress, he leaked information. this guy has violated h
sense the more james comey has been out there the more president trump looks right in firing james comey. hillary clinton would have fired comey if she had won the election. it looks like he lied to congress a couple times. the leaking of the memos, the i.g. report saying that comey was insubordinate and the numerous times he s gone outside of protocol. he told congress the trump team was under investigation while telling the president behind the scenes that he wasn t under investigation. he told president trump that cnn was looking for a news hook regarding the dossier after the private meeting. the dossier was leaked and reporters were given a reason to publish it. i don t understand how anyone can look at james comey with any lens of credibility and wonder if there was bias at the f.b.i. he told people to vote for democrats in mid-term elections and saying republicans should be denouncing the president. why does anyone even care what james comey has to say?
is it a witch hunt? the russian investigation is not a witch hunt. it s been about ten months here, far more immersed in the details of the fbi. is that still your opinion? yes. one-word answer there. he knows the boss isn t going to like that but at least he mans up and answers. he s done that repeatedly throughout his tenure. first and foremost, the president knows a news hook when he sees one. he s as steeped in this as we are, and he knew the birthday of the investigation was the time to do this. one, he attacks it, and two, we are having an occasion of the year anniversary. i for one would like to know what happened pre-20 hipre-2018. and then third, like throughout