guns and knives to attack the u.n. workers. when it was over 12 people dead and two dozen wounded. last september, a florida pastor, terry jones threatened to burn a koran but that was canceled after the pope, president obama and defense secretary urged him not to do it. a couple weeks ago, it threatened to put the koran on trial. then they said it was found guilty of causing rape, murder and terrorism and a copy was burned inside the building. this news hit quickly in pakistan and they saw several demonstrations there. then, a few days ago, the taliban put out a statement saying look, this is proof the u.s. is against islam. that set off massive protest
stepping down. we were watching the crowds coming up by foot from tahrir square six miles away to the presidential palace and the people who were already there embracing them. when that news hit, it was an explosion of joy and i saw two men drop to their knees and start praying right away. it s an amazing couple of weeks. ivan, you and all the reporters have risked your lives in the last two weeks and we thank you for your reporting. fouad, your thoughts? you know, the people of cairo love their city and they have this great label for it. they call it the mother of the world. this is a city that was established a millennium ago and it has fallen on hard times and they wish to rebuild it. the egyptians have a memory. it helps that they have a memory.
people who were already there embracing them. when that news hit, it was an explosion of joy and i saw two men drop to their knees and start praying right away. it s an amazing couple of weeks. ivan, you and all the reporters have risked your lives in the last two weeks and we thank you for your reporting. fouad, your thoughts? you know, the people of cairo love their city and they have this great label for it. they call it the mother of the world. this is a city that was established a millennium ago and it has fallen on hard times and they wish to rebuild it. the egyptians have a memory. it helps that they have a memory. women s emancipation, great artists, great novelists,
reporter: my thought is 18 days from the first what seemed like a modest demonstration, which grew very big to what we saw today. huge demonstrations in tahrir square. huge demonstrations outside the president s palace. huge demonstrations outside of state tv. we really saw the ability of the egyptian people. and the power of people to bring down a regime that so many people thought was permanent, couldn t be shaken. it s been a life changing experience to see this happen in so short a period of time. 18 days. when that news hit, it was an explosion of joy and i saw two men drop to their knees and start praying right away. it s an amazing couple of weeks.
what is greece at now? about 110 to 120. their debt goes up day after day. when you have a debt crisis like this, your interest rates go up so the debt goes throughout roof. greta: not good. thank you. what should the white house do, if anything? joining you us dana perino i imagine the news hit like a big thud when the market started sinking today? i remember well the financial crisis of the fall of 2008. we had those wild days where we would be up and down 1,000 points even within a two hour period. this coming out of the blue like it did. we sort of knew bus of the financial crisis we were going to face days like this. this had to give them a shock. i think they are leaved to find out threw was a glitch. everybody wants to find out through happened. there are signs that creates instability in the markets and companies, corporations, private sector is very