this country got brought into two wars over the last ten years. did the president explain it to you better than he did the last ten days? i thought i was pretty clear on it from the beginning. but there s a lot of folks in this country, mostly on the right, who, of course, are going to oppose him no matter what he says so he keeps having to explain it over and over again. you know, this is not a news cycle president. i think that s one thing that bothers them so much. he works on his time, the right time. he did everything right. you know, he got the americans out of libya. then he formed a coalition. then he led the bombing campaign. of course we should bo fst cause he e owowow toick butt. that s what america does very well, especially in that part of the world. then he passed it off to other people so that we don t have the cost and we don t have to be holding the bag if something goes wrong. i don t know how anyone can look at this and say this is exactly
i thought i was pretty clear on it from the beginning. but there s a lot of folks in this country, mostly on the right, who, of course, are going to oppose him no matter what he says so he keeps having to explain it over and over again. you know, this is not a news cycle president. i think that s one thing that bothers them so much. he works on his time, the right time. he did everything right. you know, he got the americans out of libya. then he formed a coalition. then he led the bombing campaign. of course we should bomb first because we have the know-how how to kick butt. that s what america does very well, especially in that part of the world. then he passed it off to other people so that we don t have the cost and we don t have to be holding the bag if something goes wrong. i don t know how anyone can look at this and say this is exactly how it should have been done. i don t back the president on everything, but on this one, yeah, i think he did everything right. and yet i saw