Over the last five years, the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis received less money from the federal government to pay for people to fix holes in ceilings. Less federal money, an aging housing stock and staffing leave the housing authority in a precarious position. A transition team report prepared for Mayor Mike Pantelides in April offered a dire prediction for the future.
Newport Daily News
NEWPORT – A letter from the Newport Health Equity Zone about the North End Urban Plan to the City Council caused a flare-up on the council over whether two council members should recuse themselves on matters involving HEZ and the plan.
Ward 1 Councilwoman Angela McCalla said during the council meeting on Wednesday, “I received an email from the City Clerk suggesting that I should consider seeking an advisory opinion from the Rhode Island Ethics Commission because of my affiliation with the Newport Health Equity Zone.”
McCalla, who was seemingly angry about the request, said she would not recuse herself on the question of receiving the HEZ letter on the docket. However, she said she would seek the ethics opinion. She said forcefully she believes there is no conflict of interest in connection with the advocacy group and the North End Urban Plan.