but no, we ve never been here. anthony: as proud canadians dave: this is not one of the destinations that a canadian ends up in. anthony: and yet you ve decided to open a fine-dining restaurant that by definition is seasonal, and requires at least a significant part of your clientele to get on a plane and make the kind of commitment that these [ bleep ] clearly have not made. and this is them. jeremy c: yeah, i mean, we just wanted to do what you love to do, cook good food and celebrate newfoundland product. anthony: and where do these oysters hail from? jeremy b: these are beausoleil oysters. anthony: named after the early manson family killer? dave: was there a beausoleil in the manson family? anthony: bobby beausoleil, in fact the entire manson family s killings were designed to draw suspicion away from bobby beausoleil. dave: i was always a fan of squeaky fromme. anthony: they just let leslie van houten out of the joint. dave: correct. anthony: and i hea
come on a couple of occasions, but no, we ve never been here. anthony: as proud canadians dave: this is not one of the destinations that a canadian ends up in. anthony: and yet you ve decided to open a fine-dining restaurant that by definition is seasonal, and requires at least a significant part of your clientele to get on a plane and make the kind of commitment that these [ bleep ] clearly have not made. and this is them. jeremy c: yeah, i mean, we just wanted to do what you love to do, cook good food and celebrate newfoundland product. anthony: and where do these oysters hail from? jeremy b: these are beausoleil oysters. anthony: named after the early manson family killer? dave: was there a beausoleil in the manson family? anthony: bobby beausoleil, in fact the entire manson family s killings were designed to draw suspicion away from bobby beausoleil. dave: i was always a fan of squeaky fromme. anthony: they just let leslie van houten out of the joint. dave
for the weather. anthony: oh no, literally five minutes ago it was like sunglasses. jeremy c: and that s that s newfoundland. four seasons in one day. anthony: how many times have you been here? dave: i ve never been here. no, never. anthony: whoa whoa, wait a minute, this is your first time. dave: our first time in newfoundland, and we ve tried to come on a couple of occasions, but no, we ve never been here. anthony: as proud canadians dave: this is not one of the destinations that a canadian ends up in. anthony: and yet you ve decided to open a fine-dining restaurant that by definition is seasonal, and requires at least a significant part of your clientele to get on a plane and make the kind of commitment that these [ bleep ] clearly have not made. and this is them. jeremy c: yeah, i mean, we just wanted to do what you love to do, cook good food and celebrate newfoundland product. anthony: and where do these oysters hail from? jeremy b: these are beausolei
dave: our first time in newfoundland, and we ve tried to come on a couple of occasions, but no, we ve never been here. anthony: as proud canadians dave: this is not one of the destinations that a canadian ends up in. anthony: and yet you ve decided to open a fine-dining restaurant that by definition is seasonal, and requires at least a significant part of your clientele to get on a plane and make the kind of commitment that these [ bleep ] clearly have not made. and this is them. jeremy c: yeah, i mean, we just wanted to do what you love to do, cook goodood celebrate newfoundland product. anthony: and where do these oysters hail from? jeremy b: these are beausoleil oysters. anthony: named after the early manson family killer? dave: was there a beausoleil in the manson family? anthony: bobby beausoleil, in fact the entire manson family s killings were designed to draw suspicion away from bobby beausoleil. dave: i was always a fan of squeaky fromme. anthony: the