BILL PEARSON Sat, 02/06/2021 - 8:15am
Lincoln County Commissioner Bill Blodgett watches as Sheriff Todd Brackett assembles a new flagpole for meetings at the Lincoln County Regional Planning Commission building. BILL PEARSON/Boothbay Register
Since December, Wiscasset has negotiated with Lincoln County Regional Planning Commission about entering into a consulting contract. On Feb. 4, negotiations culminated with a deal as the county commissioners voted 2-0 to enter into an agreement. Under the contract, LCRPC will provide assistance in six planning projects. The contract calls for commission assistance to the town’s comprehensive planning committee’s work on the new comprehensive plan, working with municipal officials and committees developing a renewable energy plan, planning for certain town-owned properties’ reuse and projects, site planning for redevelopment options for the former Mason Station power plant, seeking project funding and grant writing, and general