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FROME 2021/0391/FUL: Proposed change of use from domestic stable block ancillary to cafe and artisan sales area ancillary to the Lilley s Cider Factory: Roewood Farm Estate Bunns Lane Witham Friary Frome Somerset BA11 5ES 2021/0551/APP: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 (external materials), 4 (external joinery) and 5 (pipes and rainwater goods) on planning consent 2019/2611/LBC: The Blue House The Bridge Frome Somerset 2021/0405/HSE: Retrospective application to regularise position property curtilage: Mulberry House High Street Faulkland Frome Somerset BA3 5UX 2021/0395/APP: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 (external materials) on planning consent 2019/2610/FUL: The Blue House The Bridge Frome Somerset