Responding to the release of nine Government key performance targets to be achieved by 2030, Taxpayers’ Union Policy and Public Affairs Manager, James Ross, said: “Kiwis won’t need reminding that despite public spending jumping 84% since 2017, .
“Electors should be able to vote on, and veto, fundamental changes to their local voting system. It’s refreshing to see the new Government restoring this necessary democratic convention.
“If Anne Tolley and the other commissioners believe they are running the city well, they should stand for election and put their case to the voters rather than trampling over local democracy.”
Responding to calls from Wellington City Council to be able to delist heritage buildings by a simple majority vote, Taxpayers’ Union Policy and Public Affairs Manager, James Ross, said: “Ratepayers are on the hook for paying to preserve heritage buildings, .
Responding to calls by councils including Wellington, Hamilton and Tauranga for their debt caps to be raised, Taxpayers’ Union Policy and Public Affairs Manager, James Ross, said: “Sometimes it makes sense to use debt to spread the cost of an .