shameless plug. okay. thank you all. tomorrow on the show, ed rollins, the man who just stepped down as michele bachmann s day-to-day campaign manager, and he is still advising the campaign. and coming up on msnbc, chris jansing & company,ed a at 1:00 don t miss andrea mitchell reports. see you tomorrow. here is a look at the business travel forecast. i m bill karins, and we are watching quiet conditions. temperatures are dropping many, many areas as a strong cold front moves out of canada. boston and new york and d.c. very much like summer and a slight chance of shower and storm in d.c. and detroit, 69 and cooler temperatures for minneapolis. enjoy.
that s exactly how it will work, but i do believe we re going to take from either bowles-simpson, rivlin, maybe gang of six and all those different elements, bipartisan, have balance and are long term, those can be put together. you don t have to take all of one and none of the other. we don t have to reinvent the wheel. it s been done. most of us have been here quite some time. we know what s out there that gives us the chemistry to make it work. it s not rocket science, it s a matter of having the will to do it. if the american people can survive this recession, we can survive the negotiation. the results in new york s 9th district, a shock to a lot of democrats, a lot of your democratic colleagues. give me your reaction and how you think the democratic party ought to be responding to it? it s interesting. new york, the people in new york have been sending a very strong message.
executive order and not the the way he went about it. and the decisions. and let s talk about yesterday s special elections yesterday in new york and nevada. and what a difference four months make, and four months ago, cynthia, a democratic winning a republican issue, and some local issues, but democrats said we found an effective message in medicare and some republicans in washington saw it today. but today, the democrats we heard javier beserra say, oh, it is all local excuse, but he said, hey, a message is being sent, and he tried to i is a it was not a message against president obama, but washington, and what do you say? i say it is a message against the democrats. this is, i m sorry, unabashed bad news for the democratic party and president obama in particular. because he has identified not only with the economy which played out large in the election to replace anthony weiner, but
mattered here, that is a headache of the white house. yes, we saw this same thing in the new york special elections in the last couple of year, because yes, some hand wringing going on, and there is a good point this morning at 538, that is showing the volatiles and it is showing that it is linked to how they feel about the president, and i think that they have, the congressional democrats have to be looking at this. and jimmy, going back to the volatility in may, and we were talking amongst ourselves in the political union, the ryan plan did not come up in the presidential debates, and that is how quickly it shifted. yes, weak candidates and local issues here, but what stands out to me is that we are in september of 2011 and the november presidential election is a little more than a year, and how much do we expect the economy to change or the mood volatile? i don t see the americans wildly happy and fantastic feeling about washington and the incumbents and i feel it is going to
u.s. futures actually are higher. they began the rebound this morning when treasury secretary tim geithner told cnbc s jim cramer in new york city that the challenges europe faceses are within their reach to fix. this is after moody s slashed credit ratings on several french banks, citing their exposure to greece. that default has been a worry for a long time. the downgrades aren t totally unexpected which is why the european markets and the bank shares are taking it in relative stride. european commission president jose broesa confirms the door is open but warns it isn t a cure-all. we ll see if it s three days in a row. the daily rundown will be back in 30 seconds.