Woody Allen, the renowned and controversial director who infamously married his ex-partner’s adopted daughter is retiring. You care. In a recent interview, the 86-year-old with questionable morals said he’s calling it quits after his next, and 50th, film. Reports the Hollywood Reporter: The Oscar-winning director and screenwriter told Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia in an interview published Saturday […] The post Guy Who Married His Ex-Partner’s Step Daughter Retiring From Making Movies appeared first on The Latest Hip-Hop News, Music and Media | Hip-Hop Wired.
Is Grey Gardens Haunted? Former occupants confirm that it s haunted by several ghosts, including a Kennedy. Read the details hear or listen to Dark House.
Detectives called to the scene initially pegged it as a gangland rubout. While Detroit was no longer a hotbed of rumrunner violence, there was still enough bad blood left over from Prohibition days to result in a bullet-riddled stiff turning up every now and then.