Oppo Reno 7 series, which features the vanilla Oppo Reno 7 5G, Oppo Reno 7 Pro 5G and Oppo Reno 7SE 5G, launch in India has been confirmed by Oppo. The company has also revealed that the phones will be available on Flipkart. A report had tipped the price of the Oppe Reno 7 and Oppo Reno 7 Pro 5G India prices. The series was launched in China last year.
The €1 million guaranteed WSOP Circuit New Year Edition Festival Main Event gets underway later this week. Find out who have been the big winners at the series below.
The €1 million guaranteed WSOP Circuit New Year Edition Festival Main Event gets underway later this week. Find out who have been the big winners at the series below.