Fri Aug 27 2010 at 19:26:44
Part of the reason why Hollywood never got cyberpunk right was its awkward timing: SF of the Heinlein/Bradbury/Sturgeon school was influenced, for good or ill, by the memory of The Parsonage, where Jack Parsons and his crew maintained a place where sex, drugs and various goings-on were simply another day in paradise. Therefore, any future not strictly dysutopian (and not a few that were) had either non-marital sex or people getting stoned as a central feature.
By the late Seventies/early Eighties, the sexual revolution was not only here, but was marching down the streets of Middle America, while recreational drugs were at their all-time high. Part of the unspoken rulebook of cyberpunk was that since everyone can have sex with anyone and drugs are old hat, where do you go from there?