Les membres du Cabinet ont pris mote que le pays sera en deuil le jour des funérailles de la Reine Elizabeth II, la ratification de desArticles 50(a) and 56 of the Convention on International Civil
The Health Minister, Hon. Kailash Kumar Jagutpal inaugurated a new Haemodialysis Unit at the New Souillac on 10 March 2022 in the presence of the WHO Representative, Dr Laurent Musango and other personalities to mark World Kidney Day in Mauritius. This new Unit comprising 22 haemodialysis machines has the capacity to accommodate around 150 patients […]
Some 1,500 patients in Mauritius undergo dialysis treatment in the five Regional Hospitals, the New Souillac Hospital, the Long Mountain Hospital, and Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Rodrigues.
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Les membres du gouvernement pont pris note qu’il y aura un Fact Finding Committee sur les décès des patients dialysés à la New Souillac Hospital, de la signature d’un MOU entre la RDA et la Commission for Public Infrastructure, Transport and Water Resources de la Rodrigues Regional Assembly, de la création d’un Government chatbot entre autres.
1. Cabinet has agreed to the setting up of a Fact Finding Committee, chaired by Mrs Deviyanee Beesoondoyal, former Judge, to enquire into the recent death of renal dialysis patients at the New Souillac Hospital. The Fact Finding Committee would comprise two other Assessors.