process chemically didn t work with me and my hair fell out. no. collins has found a new stylist. that s my new favorite song. hey! and had lots of new experiences. i never slept in a top bunk in my entire life. i have never been in camp. i went to a day camp. for a day. i was too prissy for that so they sent me home. i m a girly girl. i don t play in the woods. i don t play in mud. women on the whole like to care about people. see, i actually was pretty. oh, you still are. shut up. i mean, we are people still. we may have done some bad things. we re still human beings. my hair fell out in a salon. $168 they wanted me to pay for this. she gave me a $200 coupon for another service and i was like collins! but collins camp-like experience is suddenly interrupted. a detective from the nearby town of new millford, new jersey, has