Whats the best way to pay for college and how to split expenses when living with a roommate are two financial questions many college students face. New Mexico State University launched a new platform during the spring 2021 semester to help them make informed decisions. New Mexico State University launched a new platform during the spring 2021 semester to help students with financial literacy, Educational Credit Management Corporation Project Success. (NMSU photo by Josh Bachman)
The United States Department of Education is funding Educational Credit Management Corporation Project Success, a three-year project to retain and graduate students at NMSU. One of the projects components is financial literacy. Students, faculty, staff and families can register for an account at https://ssc.nmsu.edu/ecmc-project-success/.
Photo by Submitted Photo Saskatoon SK: Saskatchewan Rattlers guard Rashawn Browne has had a unique path to the CEBL. As a high schooler, Browne began his basketball journey with Grassroots Canada, an elite AAU program based out of Toronto, ON. Playing in the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) circuit provided Browne with the exposure he needed to be recruited to a NCAA Division I school. When playing in a Las Vegas Tournament, Browne was recognized by the New Mexico State University Aggies of the Western Atlantic Conference. Browne would go on to accept a scholarship from the Aggies, achieving a lifetime goal.