FARRELL — When she first started Zion Education Center in 1995 out of her own home, Dr. April Torrence sometimes had as many as three children sitting on her lap.
Robert Eng III has a way with trash. More aptly, he has a knack for turning someone else s trash into his own brand of treasure.
Lead pastor at New Life Family Worship Center in Kings Mountain, Eng has over the last 20 years built a church out of scraps wherever he could find them. This building was in the weeds in Chester, South Carolina. A church had bought it and didn t put it up. Weeds and vines and everything had grown up, and we had to get chainsaws to get it out, said Eng.
The canopy over the church entrance? That came from a service station in Kings Mountain, set atop a pair of handmade stone columns. The doors to the church sanctuary were salvaged from a nearby hospital going through a renovation several years ago, as was most of the fluorescent lighting now used inside the building.