i find it puzzling and maddening. what s most alarming is it s only getting worse. a fight against facts was not a concept that was tolerated in the last administration. remember people freaked out when kellyanne conway said this. i don t know about you, but i still believe there is fact or fiction, right and wrong. the question is do they understand the difference? there was a time when we all knew what a man and woman was. i m opening up people to violence by asking what a woman is? can you provide a definition for the word woman? can i provide a definition? yes. i can t. you can t? not in this context. i m not a biologist. brian: we wall knew at one point what kinds of pronoun would be used as well. laws would be obeyed and officers respected. that s not the case now. see that? the crowd broke away the suspect from the cops. when a military disaster like the evacuation of afghanistan raises you man smuls outrage around the world and in this country and false
facts as they actually are. i find it puzzling and maddening. what s most alarming is it s only getting worse. a fight against facts was not a concept that was tolerated in the last administration. remember people freaked out when kellyanne conway said this. i don t know about you, but i still believe there is fact or fiction, right and wrong. the question is do they understand the difference? there was a time when we all knew what a man and woman was. i m opening up people to violence by asking what a woman is? can you provide a definition for the word woman? can i provide a definition? yes. i can t. you can t? not in this context. i m not a biologist. brian: we wall knew at one point what kinds of pronoun would be used as well. laws would be obeyed and officers respected. that s not the case now. see that? the crowd broke away the suspect from the cops. when a military disaster like the evacuation of afghanistan raises you man smuls outrage around the world an
facts as they actually are. i find it puzzling and maddening. what s most alarming is it s only getting worse. a fight against facts was not a concept that was tolerated in the last administration. remember people freaked out when kellyanne conway said this. i don t know about you, but i still believe there is fact or fiction, right and wrong. the question is do they understand the difference? there was a time when we all knew what a man and woman was. i m opening up people to violence by asking what a woman is? can you provide a definition for the word woman? can i provide a definition? yes. i can t. you can t? not in this context. i m not a biologist. brian: we wall knew at one point what kinds of pronoun would be used as well. laws would be obeyed and officers respected. that s not the case now. see that? the crowd broke away the suspect from the cops. when a military disaster like the evacuation of afghanistan raises you man smuls outrage around the world an
facts as they actually are. i find it puzzling and maddening. what s most alarming is it s only getting worse. a fight against facts was not a concept that was tolerated in the last administration. remember people freaked out when kellyanne conway said this. i don t know about you, but i still believe there is fact or fiction, right and wrong. the question is do they understand the difference? there was a time when we all knew what a man and woman was. i m opening up people to violence by asking what a woman is? can you provide a definition for the word woman? can i provide a definition? yes. i can t. you can t? not in this context. i m not a biologist. brian: we wall knew at one point what kinds of pronoun would be used as well. laws would be obeyed and officers respected. that s not the case now. see that? the crowd broke away the suspect from the cops. when a military disaster like the evacuation of afghanistan raises you man smuls outrage around the world an
i love the new place. greg: whatever. that s white of you come a of racists. look at you, i m important, time is money, i have wonder bread and mayonnaise to eat, your typical bigot always in a rush, thank you. it s true, urgency is racism at least according to the oregon health officials who delayed a meeting for no other reason then stating that urgency is a white supremacy value. as excuses go it sounds a lot better than the dog ate my alarm clock but raises a key question. since my show starts on time every night to do i qualify as a grand wizard? in an email obtained by the magazine reason, reaching a health equity coalition program manager danielle droppers told folks a scheduled conversation it would not take place as planned because urgency is a white supremacy value that can get in the way of more intentional and thoughtful work. i assume what she calls sleeping in and watching the view from her toilet, that s how i watch it. what a happy coincidence for a govern