Animal Crossing May Day Maze 2021: Where to Get Your Ticket, Tour Reminders and Prizes!
Another year and another May Day festival to look forward to in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Photo : Sara Kurfeß/Unsplash
Another year and another May Day festival to look forward to in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Like last year s event, players can participate in solving the May Day maze puzzle to win big rewards.
How to Participate in Animal Crossing May Day Maze 2021
According to SuperParent, players can participate in Animal Crossing: New Horizons May Day Maze 2021 from April 29 to May 7. During this week, players can only try the maze once, and if players have tried last year s May Day event, they can win a special prize.
Nintendo Switch Restock Facing Massive Supply Issue: Why Will There Be a Shortage?
With COVID-19 limiting transportation and shared goods from other countries, Nintendo has released a warning for future consumers that the Switch will reach a shortage soon.
Photo : Neilson Barnard/Getty Images
With COVID-19 limiting transportation and shared goods from other countries, Nintendo has released a warning for future consumers that the Switch will reach a shortage soon.
In an exclusive interview from the company President Shuntaro Furukawa with Japanese publication Nikkei, he explained why a Switch shortage could happen.
Nintendo Switch Restock Shortage
According to Cnet, Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa stated that the gaming console would have a shortage soon due to the Switch s lack of components. Furukawa added that the company had secured the necessary materials for semiconductor s primary production for the gaming console. However, the demand for it is very high in Japan