Geraldine Morgan’s newly released “A Treasure of Lifesavers for Victorious Living” is a brilliant anthology that reflects on the struggles women face daily
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“A Treasure of Lifesavers for Victorious Living” from Christian Faith Publishing author Geraldine Morgan is a well-written, spirited collection of poems in pursuit to empower and renew the minds of women who are in deep sorrow, abused, and knocked down. MEADVILLE, Pa. (PRWEB) May 04, 2021 “A Treasure of Lifesavers for Victorious Living”: a powerful and heartfelt collaboration of wisdoms, statements, golden nuggets, and devotionals that will ignite the fire within a woman’s soul in her daily walk with God. “A Treasure of Lifesavers for Victorious Living” is the creation of published author Geraldine Morgan, an experienced inspirational speaker, author, and mentor. She is currently an instructor on women’s issues at the New Gr