Delhi BJP workers staged a "chakka jam" protest against the city government's new excise policy on Monday and blocked roads at different locations in the national capital, including near the Akshardham temple.
Swanky liquor vends, which will start operations under the new excise policy from the second half of next month, can place orders for procurement of alcohol from November 11.
Chairman of Delhi Liquor Trader Association Harish Chouhan said his business is completely closed and he has moved the Supreme Court against the new excise policy
Delhi Wine Shop: दिल्ली सरकार (Delhi Government) की नयी आबकारी नीति (New Excise Policy) के तहत 266 निजी शराब की दुकानों सहित सभी 850 शराब की दुकानें खुली निविदा के जरिए निजी कंपनियों को दे दी गई हैं।.