Dr. Jeffrey Betcher says he's met extensively with other members of the health authority about pressures facing ICU staff, but noted it was a recent visit through the facilities that helped them understand exactly what people both patients and staff are dealing with.
Environment Minister Warren Kaeding was asked several questions about that, but one of his answers referenced the Deep Earth Energy Production (DEEP) project near Torquay. He said, “Well, I would say even directly supporting the electricity is going to be generated to support electric vehicles, SaskPower has made a commitment that they will be going up to 50 per cent renewable by 2030, which isn t very, very long from now. So you ve seen a number of facilities that have been built on a commercial scale, solar facilities that have been built on a on a commercial scale. We ve done a lot of other community green energy projects like the DEEP geothermal energy, the bio energy facility is just going to be completed up in Meadow Lake, utilizing that waste from the forest industry. So there s a number of sources of energy now that that is being produced that will have a renewable, or green component.”
Environment Minister Warren Kaeding was asked several questions about that, but one of his answers referenced the Deep Earth Energy Production project near Torquay. He said, “Well, I would say even directly supporting the electricity is going to be generated to support electric vehicles, SaskPower has made a commitment that they will be going up to 50 per cent renewable by 2030, which isn t very, very long from now. So you ve seen a number of facilities that have been built on a commercial scale, solar facilities that have been built on a on a commercial scale. We ve done a lot of other community green energy projects like the DEEP geothermal energy, the bio energy facility is just going to be completed up in Meadow Lake, utilizing that waste from the forest industry. So there s a number of sources of energy now that that is being produced that will have a renewable, or green component.”
Meili asked, “Will he finally admit, will he finally admit that his choices have hurt Saskatchewan’s health and economy, or would he still not change a thing?” Moe responded, “We’ve taken a measured and balanced response in this province. We have made every effort to yes, protect lives, but also to protect livelihoods, and protect the personal freedoms that people have in their household, in their personal life, in their community. “We have put significant measures in place, likely the most significant public health measures that have ever been enacted in this province in the province’s history. We have put those measures in place, and in large part the vast majority of people in this province have adhered to those public health measures that have been recommended and put in place by our Chief Medical Health Officer, Dr. Shahab.
Meili asked, “Will he finally admit, will he finally admit that his choices have hurt Saskatchewan’s health and economy, or would he still not change a thing?” Moe responded, “We’ve taken a measured and balanced response in this province. We have made every effort to yes, protect lives, but also to protect livelihoods, and protect the personal freedoms that people have in their household, in their personal life, in their community. “We have put significant measures in place, likely the most significant public health measures that have ever been enacted in this province in the province’s history. We have put those measures in place, and in large part the vast majority of people in this province have adhered to those public health measures that have been recommended and put in place by our Chief Medical Health Officer, Dr. Shahab.