Solemn tribute in New Canaan to our nation s heroes
Leon M. Krolikowski, Chief of Police
May 27, 2021
New Canaan Chief of Police Leon M. Krolikowski writes this guest column about Memorial Day, along with solicitations that can occur.Erin Kayata / Hearst Connecticut Media
On May 31, Memorial Day, we honor those veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives for our great county. Memorial Day honors their service and sacrifice. Nearly 850 Veterans are buried in Lakeview Cemetery.
As Memorial Day approaches, it s a good time to remind the patriotic citizens of New Canaan to be aware of phony organizations who solicit on behalf of Veterans. Several years ago, the late Colonel Peter Langenus, U.S. Army (ret.), the then Commander of New Canaan s Veterans of Foreign War Post 653 received a telephone call from a shopper who had been approached for a monetary donation in front of a store in New Canaan.