Locking up youth who have self-harmed or been victims of sexual exploitation could re-traumatize them, according to a youth organization called to speak at a New Brunswick legislative committee on Thursday.
Alexandre Doucet didn’t know he was up against nearly 1,000 other violinists when he entered the Sonata/Sonatina category in the London (UK) Young Musician festival competition.
(Photo: Dominicana s Got Talent You Tube)
Dominicana’s Got Talent will feature a 13-year- old musician from Greater Moncton.
Amalia De La Santos showed the judges her singing and trumpet playing talents and received the golden buzzer this week.
Amalia moved to New Brunswick with her family from the Dominican Republic just a few years ago. She got her first…
De La Santos is a member of the New Brunswick Youth Orchestra.
President and CEO Ken MacLeod says she got her first trumpet as a part of Sistema when she was just 9 years old.
She moved here with her family from the Dominican Republic.