Saint John, NB, Canada / Country 94
Apr 1, 2021 6:44 PM
Saint John-Rothesay MP Wayne Long made a funding announcement for Symphony New Brunswick at the Saint John Arts Centre on April 1st, 2021. (photo by Tamara Steele)
Matching funds from the federal government will boost the coffers of the Symphony New Brunswick Foundation.
Saint John-Rothesay MP Wayne Long announced a grant of $240, 682 at the Saint John Arts Centre on Thursday morning.
Symphony New Brunswick Foundation President Reid Parker explained how the foundation supports the symphony.
“Most symphony orchestras in Canada have independent foundations and we’re no exception. We have a separate foundation, it’s called Symphony New Brunswick Inc. It has its own board of directors, it’s completely independent of the symphony. Its sole purpose is to raise money, put it in an endowment fund and it stays there permanently. It’s invested in such a way that it earns income. All of that income can be transferred from t