Taking a cue from New Britain’s marketing drive, Amisha and Jay Desai have named their new bar and restaurant The Hive.The Desais have painted the walls yellow with black trim, and their menu includes a hive burger, a hive quesadilla and even a hive martini. Over the past eight years, New Britain’s semi-forgotten city emblem - the beehive - has became the heart of its marketing campaign.
from summer school class. they re searching for a green suv seen speeding from the area. well, now days, you can t take your family to a major league baseball game without spending an arm and a leg, face it. but the outrageous prices benefit the minor league teams which charge as little as $5 a ticket. their attendance is way up. laura ingle live at a ballpark in new britain, connecticut. yesterday, racecar driving and today a baseball game. tough gig and you got it. tell us about it. i know. it s ban great weekend. weather has been magnificent. it s warm, of course, but we have a lot of baseball fans here who can t wait to get in the stands. here at the new britain stadium, the minor league baseball is king. in a few hours at 1:30 eastern, this stadium that you see here behind me will be absolutely packed. just like on any other game day.