In the past seven years, Craven County s operating budget within its general fund has increased by $20 million while the population of the county has slightly decreased.
The daily life of motherhood has its unique challenges when it comes to raising and nurturing a child and those same challenges apply to foster mothers. However, there are challenges that come with being a foster mother that most will never experience.
Through a partnership with Craven County Partners In Education and the Craven County Sheriff’s Office, the pair announced they will hold a D.A.R.E. to Slime Fundraiser throughout May.
Approaching the one-year mark of the news that one of Craven County s largest private employers had been acquired, jobs at the site have now doubled, according to county leaders.
With the city of New Bern s municipal elections postponed several times, candidates raised the question during January s filing period of would residents be around to vote in an election taking place outside of its normal time.