ainsley: she was hesitant to say that but she said it. brian: last night another time we featured the same thing. tucker last night had a farmer on from arizona who, by the way, if you look at the stats according to the agricultural committee, most of the in this country comes from arizona. if had lettuce last night thank arizona. if you didn t or it was too expensive, thank the border. because if you are somebody who gets anywhere near the crops and you go walking through these farm lands, which is right on the border, it immediately con tan united states it and unable to sale. the same way if a coyote comes through. did i not know that alex an arizona farmer for 75 years. he says is he one of the young ones is at the border says this is out of control. listen. over the last two years, it s just been death by a thousand cuts. it s been a slow trickle. and we re seeing it every day. it s hard for us to do our jobs when we take food safety at the