all right. unfortunately, thahat is all the time we have left this u evening. as always, thank you fors, o joining us . please set your dvr so you never, ever, eve r miss anf ha episode of hannity in the meantime, i ve got great news. let not your heart be troubledd, or ingram . hais is a spooky halloween edition . een editof the ingram angle. when my kids wanted me to go and cost and i said i am in costume, okay, i m a i nservative television host. okay, they don t. do you like this? . i have a question. do you like the really scaryalls costumcae? because at the end of my show i m going to show what my kidse wore yeahal. fan and i wasn t really in favorof s it, bu what this is what they wanted to do. boys want to you know, they want to wear the scary things. and i was terrified. i am i a m all in favor of letting kids be themselves. elv and even if it means they can be a little politicallyth correct, remember back in the day they used to have the nixoe x n mask and th