The teachers of Carson High School are continuing to ask if the community of Carson City would purchase a T-shirt to support both breast cancer awareness and CHS teacher Kelly Gustafson, who is currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer.
Carson High School will begin its 150th anniversary homecoming celebration Sept. 17 with the all school assembly in the Big Gym during the last class of the day. Leadership students well lead the assembly with the first activity being the introduction of the Homecoming King and Queen candidates who will make their grand entrance onto the gym floor.
Carson High School will begin its 150th anniversary homecoming celebration Sept. 17 with the all school assembly in the Big Gym during the last class of the day. Leadership students well lead the assembly with the first activity being the introduction of the Homecoming King and Queen candidates who will make their grand entrance onto the gym floor.
CARSON CITY The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection and local partners are excited to kick off the first-ever Nevada Food Waste Awareness Month this April.
From the Famous first line of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, modified to appeal to the generosity of the Carson City community, "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a (generous city) in possession of a good fortune must be in want of (helping to support a CHS teacher)." The teachers of CHS are asking if this is still true?