Each week we’ll run through the sublime, the trivial and profound issues, decisions and goings on that strike us as Hits or Misses. You can join in, too, by emailing your Hits & Misses to editboard@theunion.com.
HIT (from reader Laura Patrick): to the Wolf Creek Trail walker that painted and hid various rocks and pieces of wood in Christmas theme for the finding. Made our walk a lot more fun today. We found four items. Thanks!
MISS (from reader Alice Root): to the two Nevada City police officers that were unmasked while responding to the Nevada City Revival stay at home protesters on Dec. 11. And this is after the Nevada City Council ordinance was passed Dec. 9 to fine non-mask wearers. Isn’t the police motto “To serve and PROTECT”? This is the second “miss” for Nevada City police since the Aug. 9 police inaction and failure to protect BLM protesters in Nevada City. Chief Ellis, please explain.
A few dozen people came to downtown Nevada City Friday evening to protest the state’s regional stay-at-home order during an event dubbed the Nevada City Revival.
“Build community, boost immunity,” a flyer circulated on social media read under a graphic showing people holding hands.
“We care about our entire community and the impacts Covid is having on our physical health, mental health, and financial health,” the flyer read.
The flyer welcomed both masked and unmasked members of the community to attend, though no one at the event appeared to wear a face covering and insults toward mask wearers could be heard from some attendees.