Researchers develop improved process for large-scale electron microscopy to visualize small structures
How are networks of neurons connected to make functional circuits? This has been a long-standing question in neuroscience. To answer this fundamental question, researchers from Boston Children s Hospital and Harvard Medical School developed a new way to study these circuits and in the process learn more about the connections between them. Neural networks are extensive, but the connections between them are really small, says Wei-Chung Allen Lee, PhD, of the F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center at Boston Children s and Harvard Medical School. So, we have had to develop techniques to see them in extremely high-resolution over really large areas and volumes.
E-scooter company threatens bans for people seen doing burnouts during Canberra car meet-up
TueTuesday 12
TueTuesday 12
JanJanuary 2021 at 12:54am
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Young men filmed doing burnouts on e-scooters are set to be referred to police, after pulling the stunt during an illegal car meet-up in the middle of Canberra this past weekend.
Key points:
E-scooter company Beam says it is working to identify the people doing burnouts so they can be referred to police
An illegal car meetup over the weekend saw Canberra streets closed, while another meeting saw police attacked
put in very simple terms this is how a brain cell works incoming impulses are passed in a domino effect from one neuron to the next. the resulting circuit connects the neurons and it is this circuit that artificial intelligence tries to simulate as a digital neural network. like our brains the network can learn how to identify tuberculosis for instance. first the network needs to be trained or taught x. rays of tuberculosis patients are fed to the system. initially it struggles to correctly identify the condition. but every time an x. ray is fed in the network structure is adapted and its diagnostic ability improves . it takes thousands and thousands of clinical data sets to train the machine.
the external world individual neurons communicate with each other across gaps called synapses. synaptic communication or transmission works like this. neuron a emits messenger substances called neurotransmitters which bind to receptor years in neuron b. . anesthetics such as. mainly act on the neurotransmitter gaba which dampens the signals. of all reinforces this dampening effect and thus prevents the neuron from sending out a signal. the damping occurs at several locations in the central nervous system. precisely which are responsible for a patient losing consciousness is not yet clear. and most likely also depends on the anesthetic used. there are
discovered so far. central nervous systems received and processed stimuli from the external world individual neurons communicate with each other across gaps called synapses. synaptic communication or transmission works like this. neuron a emits messenger substances called neurotransmitters which bind to receptors in neuron b. . anesthetics such a problem mainly acted on the neurotransmitter gaba which dampens the signals. of all reinforces this dampening effect and thus prevents the neuron from sending out a signal. the damping occurs at several locations in the central nervous system. precisely which are