As weary Americans hold out hope that the decline of Omicron signals an end to the pandemic’s emergency phase, physicians who treat long COVID are worried about the potential for a new wave of cases. Experts say that nothing is certain regarding Omicron and long COVID, mainly because the variant roared onto the scene soAs weary Americans hold out hope that the decline of Omicron signals an end to the pandemic’s emergency phase, physicians who treat long COVID are worried about the potential for a new wave of cases. Experts say that nothing is certain regarding Omicron and long COVID, mainly because the variant roared onto the scene so » The FINANCIAL Coronavirus
BOSTON By mid-November, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had reported that 218,439 health care workers in the U.S. had been infected with COVID-19 a likely underestimate due to incomplete data from states. About 3% to 4% of health care personnel who recover from coronavirus infection are expected to become COVID long-haulers as they cope with debilitating symptoms 12 to 18 months after the acute stage of the infection clears. As COVID-19 surges again, hospitals are facing a shortage of skilled frontline providers who can meet the relentless demands of caring for these patients, says Zeina N. Chemali, MD, MPH, a psychiatrist and neurologist at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and senior author of an article in