independent writer
State budget cuts and future funding were two items briefly touched on during Thursday night’s meeting of the Lincolnview Local Board of Education.
Lincolnview eighth-grader and Van Wert County spelling champ Lindsey Hatcher spoke at Thursday’s meeting of the Lincolnview Local Board of Education.
Scott Truxell/Van Wert independent
Treasurer Troy Bowersock said the district received $186,000 less this year and he said he recently learned how much more will be cut from state foundation money.
“At this point in time it looks like the reduction is going to amount to $83,900 for year two, so roughly a $270,000 decrease over the last two-year period for our state funding,” Bowersock explained.
independent writer
Lincolnview teachers and support staff will be able to receive the COVID-19 vaccine on Friday, February 5, and the follow-up vaccinations on Friday, March 5.
New Lincolnview Local Board of Education President Lori Snyder presides over Wednesday’s meeting.
Scott Truxell/Van Wert independent
That was the word from Lincolnview Superintendent Jeff Snyder during Wednesday night’s Board of Education meeting. He also said paperwork has been distributed to employees and he added it’s up to each individual to decide if they want the vaccine.
Teachers and staff members will learn more during a meeting scheduled for this Friday afternoon. Classes will dismiss two hours early that day.