recruiters. plus, with all those holiday parties, it s a great time to network. joining us from our sister network,ess network, charles pape. who would have thought december was a good time to look for a job. conventional wisdom it s the worst month. who is looking for a job in december? grab the egg nog and let have a good time. but the fact of the matter is, there s less competition. so people are actually looking to hire, get your name in front of the line. get your name in front of the line. a survey done found that recruiters said 69% said that december was their best month for finding people jobs. yes, there s a party scene going on. you go there and tell people i want to work. you use that as a networking thing. what they didn t have in this article but people need to understand, businesses, a lot of them try to get rid of the dead weight at the end of the year. that s when opportunities are created. jack welch is fame 0 mouse