For free transcripts or to give us your comments about this program, visit us at q a. Org. Programs are also available as cspan podcasts. Up next, british Prime Minister David Cameron takes questions from members of the house of commons. Outgoing israeli president shimon peres is awarded the congressional gold medal. Then the Supreme Court oral argument on the constitutionality of warrantless cell phone searches. Book tv set down with Hillary Clinton in little rock to discuss her newest book hard choices. Ive learned before, but certainly a secretary of state, to expect the unexpected. Nobody expected the socalled arab spring until it was upon us. We have to learn to be agile and whilefor the unexpected we try to build the world we want, especially for our children, and now for my future grandchild, but weve got to be aware of the fact that all of these other countries, all of these billions of people, they are making hard choices of recycled a. We have to be ready for that. That welut
Former gm lobbyist being elected in november to succeed him. Dingell was ranking democrat until he was ousted in 2008. He is known for his quick questions. He earned a nickname, the truck, for his stature and style wielding the chairmans gavel. The committee has wide ranging jurisdiction. He has authored laws on clean air, endangered species, and health insurance, including shepherding through the Affordable Care act. In spite of passing environmental legislation, dingell has a reputation as an ally of the Auto Industry and its main union that has led them to fight attempts to strengthen environmental regulations for cars. He has watched Congress Since he was a child at his fathers knee and serving as a house page in the 1940s. We invited him to the press club to give a farewell speech. Mr. Dingell said hes not done working or governing yet. Hes here today to speak to us about when congress worked. Please help me give a warm National Press club welcome to congressman john dingell for h
I was a premed student. Now i do know a Little Something about anatomy. And i say it is scientifically impossible for the human body tostand stand up to the training we received. An absolute impositive blt. Muscles and tendons and bone structured is not designed to withstand that battering. Dont ask me how we did stand up to it. It has no scientific explanation. Here, listen to this. One of those army captains. To a young man, soldiered in the army of today offers exceptional advantages and opportunities such as physical training, foreign travel, sport, and many other facilities which are normally denied to those engaged in civilian occupations. The majority of occupations in civil life become to say the least. But in the army, life is so varied that theres little or no prospect of a monotonous or irksome time. Guard it with our highest honor, and while they earned the lethal arts of war in small and secret rooms, the planets met to watch their work mature. Beyond our view, the german
The many problems created by obamacare. From senator collins bill to repeal obamacares 30hour work week, which i just mentioned earlier, to a provision that i came up with that would exempt schools, colleges and universities from obamacares crippling employer mandate, something that our colleges and universities across the country are feeling and its impacting their ability to hire employees. Instead of fleeing from obamacare or attempting to put a positive spin on its many failures, madam president , democrats should join republicans to repeal this broken law and replace it with real reforms. Then the democrats would have a real accomplishment to take home to their constituents and they wouldnt have to worry about having the white house send a team of people in the war room assigned to democrats here on capitol hill who are trying to figure out ways to message the bad news that keeps coming out about higher premiums, higher copays, higher deductibles, fewer doctors and fewer hospitals
What role should gregg play when it comes to oversight of College Athletics. Phone lines are open. Republicans call 2025853881. Democrats 2025853880. Independent 20258538882. Catch up with us on all of your favorite social media pages, on twitter, facebook or email us at journal cspan. Org. A very good saturday morning to you. A few headlines from that Senate Commerce Committee Hearing this past week. Here is the New York Times story on the Senate Presses ncaa signalling interest in the direction of College Sports. National journal has the headline, Congress Taking on escalating ncaa crisis. A Senate Committee grild the College Sports president over mistreatment of student athletes. We will show you bits of that hearing throughout the first 45 minutes of the washington journal. We will start from the Senate Commerce Committee Hearing, talking about why the committee is getting involved in this issue. There is a growing perception that college agethletics, particularly division 1 footba