s stem unsafe for trains to run. every system you unsafe for trains to run. every system you are unsafe for trains to run. every system you are looking - unsafe for trains to run. every system you are looking at - unsafe for trains to run. every system you are looking at is l system you are looking at is affected in some way by the weather. you will see the signalling equipment we need to make sure we maintain the temperature so that doesn t trip out, you see the overhead powerlines and wise mistake that catch the pantograph on top of the train. top of the train. when the rails get top of the train. when the rails get too top of the train. when the rails get too hot top of the train. when the rails get too hot the - top of the train. when the | rails get too hot the metal top of the train. when the - rails get too hot the metal can walk, they are engineered to talk to cope with written s normal temperature range. last year s heatwaves tested the network s resilience. we
including for train passengers. it is network rail s job to including for train passengers. it is network rail sjob to monitor the thousands of miles of railway track up thousands of miles of railway track up and down the country for anything that could make it unsafe for trains to run. so every system that you are looking at is affected in some way by the weather. you will see the signalling equipment, we need to mainge make sure that they maintain temperatures. we need to maintain power lines, because if the wires aside, they catch on top of the train. ~ ., , ., ., ., train. when the rails get too hot, the metal can train. when the rails get too hot, the metal can walk. train. when the rails get too hot, the metal can walk. they - train. when the rails get too hot, the metal can walk. they are i the metal can walk. they are engineered to cope with britain s normal temperature range. last year s heatwaves tested the network s resilience. ladle year s heatwaves tested the network s