During the quarter, Adani Wilmar’s consolidated revenue from operations declined due to the softening edible oil prices. At Rs 13,238 crore, its operating revenue was 4.6% lower than Rs 13,873 crore, reported in the year-ago period.
Simtel Team, a Romanian engineering and tech company and a national leader in renewable energy, in 2024 targets, at a consolidated level, RON394.3 million operating revenue, RON49.2 million EBITDA and net profit worth RON35.1 million.
The refund, which is likely to boost the bottom line of the corporation in the fourth quarter, is related to interim bonuses to policyholders in the past seven assessment years.
New Report from BCG, Textile Exchange, and Quantis Finds That Fashion and Apparel Brands Can Seize an Average 6% Net Profit Increase by Closing the Raw-Materials Gap LONDON, Oct. 25, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The fashion and apparel industry is under pressure. More than 85% of leading brands (by sales) have publicly declared decarbonization targets for their […]
/PRNewswire/ The fashion and apparel industry is under pressure. More than 85% of leading brands (by sales) have publicly declared decarbonization targets.