ainsley: they were so cute. you had how many couples? brian: we had 10. it was pretty great. yeah, they all had a great time and they re going to stay all but two are going to stay for a few extra days. i don t know if you know but it s winter in new york. they re in hollywood, why would they rush back? ainsley: you are empty nesters now. that s what you and dawn can do. brian: until monday. steve: they come down for a couple of days, you know what? i could get used to this especially with that four feet of lake effect snow. brian: few hours went by and we were not checking the news because we were so busy here. when we did, the word came out there was major news. for the first time, there will not be a nancy pelosi being speaker anymore. she made it clear that two four year terms will be enough. 19 years in the house, not clear if she s going to actually leave the house but she s not going to be in leadership as the democrats go into the minority which makes people reflect
delicate conversations of frank and nancy s married life had to happen on the phone. he was just broken apart. just broken apart weeping. to the point that i just almost couldn t even understand him. a lot of crying. a lot of apologizing and telling her that i m sorry about the affair. and that i m going to make it right. and i m going to do whatever i can do, and i want to do that. reporter: was that a bombshell for you? i was dumbfounded, really. i was just dumbfounded. i m like, really? and i was i think there was a side of me that i didn t really even believe it. reporter: nancy had never thought of frank as the philandering type. but in hindsight, she felt their relationship changed in 2009. the year frank went to work for that rich client. a defense contractor named richard raley. raley had made millions during the iraq war, trucking supplies to the troops. he made frank his chief financial officer. and soon nancy began noticing changes at home. it increased our lif
eldest daughter ashley says that whatever the howard family did they did together. both our parents did choir in church. anytime they need aid family it was oh, get the howards, they ll come and like bring all the kids. we were, you know, always together, always a family. we went to all of their events. they were busy. they were always doing something. i mean, whether it was soccer or anything of the fine arts musically. you guys almost do sound like leave it to abeaver. oh, we joke that we were the cleavers and jay was cleaver, i was the beavette. we would have game nights and legitimately the cleaver family. yeah. absolutely. but by 2012 those days were gone. frank and nancy were now empty nesters. ashley and her brother jay were each married and on their own. brianna was
A historic and long-vacant McKinley Avenue convent building may see its 20 "nuns' cells" converted into 10 new apartments for empty nesters, thanks to theā¦
James Kon Officers of the Weights and Measures Unit (SDT), Industry and Business Ecosystem Division under the Ministry of Finance and Economy (MoFE) who visited workshops offering Vehicle Inspection Station (VIS) services on Monday found no violations. The two weighing machines (brake testers) were found to be registered and verified in accordance to Chapter 151 […]