The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit reversed and remanded a district court’s claim construction and related summary judgment rulings after determining that the district.
K-fee System GmbH v. Nespresso USA, Inc., No. 2022-2042 (Fed. Cir. (C.D. Cal.) Dec. 26, 2023). Opinion by Taranto, joined by Clevenger and Stoll. K-fee owns multiple patents that.
On December 26, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) issued a precedential decision in K-fee System GmbH v. Nespresso USA, Inc., reversing a claim construction ruling and summary judgment of noninfringement issued by the Central District of California.
In Nespresso USA, Inc. v. K-fee System GmbH, IPR2021-01222, Paper 9, at 25 (PTAB Jan. 18, 2022), the Board denied institution under 35 U.S.C. § 325(d), rejecting Petitioner's argument that "the examiner erred by.