Hope that Sgt. Niles H. Withers is alive but perhaps a prisoner of war was strengthened here this week by the contents of a letter his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Withers, of this city, received from the War Department.
To the delight not only of numerous admiring members of the congregation to which he is minister but to friends over the entire section, the Rev. Hugh C. Castle has been returned as pastor of the First Methodist Church here for another year.
The second in a series of children’s books about a mischievous 10-year-old Standard Poodle is now in print, much to the delight of two longtime friends and educators.
A new all-out war industry will begin operation in Philadelphia this week. This new industry is being set up by the Perry Construction Company, and is located on Beacon Street across from the Perry Construction Company office and near the local ice plant.
The new director of the Appalachian Regional Library (ARL) has varied experience in library science, including most recently as director of university libraries at Graceland University in Lamoni, Iowa, for