The OnePlus TV U1S has been launched in India. It is a 4K LED TV range made available in three models. The base variant of the TV is selling for Rs 39,999.
OnePlus TV U1S launch tomorrow: Specs, features, India price, and everything we know so far
OnePlus TV U1S launch tomorrow: Specs, features, India price, and everything we know so far
The OnePlus TV U1S is launching tomorrow alongside OnePlus Nord CE. Courtesy of the leaks, we know quite a bit about this upcoming 4K TV. Keeping that in mind, we decided to stack everything we know so far ahead of the launch.
OnePlus TV U1 launched back last year
It will come in 50-inch, 55-inch, 60-inch models.
It could ship at a starting price of Rs 37,999.