The OnePlus 10 Pro will be unveiled on January 11. It will be equipped with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chipset, a 120Hz LTPO 2.0 AMOLED display and 48-megapixel triple rear cameras.
The OnePlus 10 Pro will be unveiled on January 11. It will be equipped with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chipset, a 120Hz LTPO 2.0 AMOLED display and 48-megapixel triple rear cameras.
A new video teaser of the OnePlus 10 Pro has appeared to suggest a January 11 launch date. The upcoming OnePlus flagship will feature the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chipset, 48-megapixel triple rear cameras and a 120Hz display.
OnePlus CEO Pete Lau is talking about the company’s upcoming flagship phone OnePlus 10 Pro. In his latest reveal he highlights the display technology in the OnePlus 10 Pro, saying that it will use LTPO 2.0 technology.
OnePlus CEO Pete Lau is talking about the company’s upcoming flagship phone OnePlus 10 Pro. In his latest reveal he highlights the display technology in the OnePlus 10 Pro, saying that it will use LTPO 2.0 technology.